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Colwill School


Our Colwill School Massey Community helps our local people to learn to live, to be caring, be kind and to be careful!

Colwill School Massey is a state, co-educational, full primary school catering for school Years 1 to 8 (New Entrant through to the end of Intermediate), is an inclusive school and welcomes children of all abilities and cultures. Colwill School Massey is a truly multicultural environment with about 30 different ethnic groups, all respected and treasured.

Students experience a broad curriculum within an inclusive culture. They are given many opportunities to express and enjoy their own culture and to learn about the cultures of others. We regularly host international students. Colwill School is building strong community partnerships with all Maori and Pasifika groups and has a thriving performing arts cultural group. It aims to be the school of choice for the local community who want a seamless education for students from Years 1-8 and to have Y8 students ‘high school ready’.

Students with super-powers, including those with different needs, are encouraged and appreciated at Colwill and all their powers will be developed to their fullest capabilities. We have a satellite unit of Arohanui School.

The school feels warm and welcoming, the students are polite and friendly and care about their friends, the staff and their school environment. The gardens are attractively planted and restful; there is a Hall, a heated swimming pool used for nearly half the year and large playing fields.

The first point of contact for our Parents as enrolments take place with Nicky, our Welfare Engagement and Enrolment Officer.  

We have a dedicated staff of teachers and senior management, language assistants and teacher aides, SENCO and SWIS who are focused on the needs of all our students. There is an after-school study centre. Samoan Preschool is also available Monday to Wednesday in the Community Hub.

All students are supported to learn lots and give everything a go!

What's happening at Colwill School Massey?

Upcoming Events in February

Wed 19

Spaces 3/3a School Trip

19 Feb 2025

Thu 20

Spaces 4/4a School Trip

20 Feb 2025

Fri 21

Spaces 5/5a School Trip

21 Feb 2025

Latest Notices

Our Kids Online Part 3
19 Feb 2025

Hurry is the Enemy of Love.

Sometimes, in the mad rush to get out the door, patience and kindness slip through my fingers. My own anxieties about being late can turn into frustration, spilling over onto my kids in ways I never intended.

It’s wild how often the smallest moments leave me feeling completely overwhelmed.

Parenting is a relentless lesson in slowing down, in choosing connection over urgency. And honestly? I get it wrong pretty much every day. But I’m still here, showing up, battling through, learning to navigate my own emotions—so I can help my children understand theirs. Because if love is the goal, then slowing down is the way.

Here is the third video in the series. 


Middle School Trip
14 Feb 2025

Hi everyone,

Great news!

We have managed to secure a school trip for our Middle School - Spaces 3/3a, 4/4a, and 5/5a.

We are off to the Corban Estate Arts Centre in Henderson. In this workshop students explore self-portraiture through the lens of fantasy and imagination, transforming themselves into magical creatures. Exploring concepts of identity, students will use vibrant caran d’ache pastels, learning foundational techniques for drawing faces while adding imaginative features like feathers, scales, and claws.

Inspired by surrealist artists, students will create textural effects and surface details that bring their unique creatures to life, combining skill-building with personal expression.

Sounds exciting!

It is late notice but we are heading off on our school trip next week!

Spaces 3/3a - Wednesday 19th February
Spaces 4/4a - Thursday 20th February
Spaces 5/5a - Friday 21st February

Please make sure your children come to school in full school uniform, closed in shoes, morning tea and lunch and a water bottle.

At this stage, we do not need any parent help, but we will let you know if we do!

Have a lovely weekend!

Our Kids Online Part 2
11 Feb 2025

“How to Turn Your Kids Bad Day into a Good Day”.

Sometimes our kids get stuck in a funk, and no matter how hard we try, they seem determined to have a bad day! But here’s a simple way to help turn things around.

If we can teach our children from a young age that, no matter what happens, they always have the power to choose their response, we’re setting them up for lifelong resilience and stronger mental health.

Learning that we are responsible for how we navigate life is one of the most valuable lessons we can give them.

Viktor E. Frankl captured this idea beautifully in Man’s Search for Meaning:" Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."

Helping our kids understand this now will empower them to face life’s challenges with strength, grace, and confidence.

Here is the second video in the series. 


Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Bridgestone Tyre Centre Westgate Water To Waste Plumbing & Drainage Royal Road Laundromat Absolute Plasterboard Services Ltd Carpet Court Henderson Frank Liang - Barfoot & Thompson Royal Heights Hart TKD

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